A. Ray Olpin University Union

The University of Utah

A photo of the Union in fall.

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    Thank You Rachel

    It is a bittersweet moment for the Union to say goodbye to one of our Services Desk Managers, Rachel Heard. Rachel is beginning a great opportunity working for the University of Utah’s Health Department. We are very proud of her achievements and outstanding leadership and contribution to the Union and wish her the best of luck in her new professional pursuit.

    Rachel is a Kinesiology student graduating this Spring Semester. Rachel had been working with the Union since Fall Semester 2015, and she was promoted to a manager position during the Summer of 2017. In addition to managing the Union Services Desk, Rachel has been a huge help in beginning the management of the Gardner Commons Information Desk. Rachel’s leadership showcases why she was also a recipient for our Union Student Leader scholarship not only once, but twice!

    Some of the Campus Information Specialists she managed had positive comments to say about her: “Rachel led by example, rather than being demanding.” “She was always very helpful because she genuinely cared about your success. She would help you by instilling confidence so that you could do things on your own after she helped you.”

    Rachel also served as the Vice President of Judicial Resolution and Risk Reduction and the Vice President of Programming for the College Panhellenic. She served on the Policy and Standards Boards as well as the Chapter Censor for the Pi Beta Phi Fraternity. She has regularly volunteered with Big Brothers Big Sisters, Her Campus (as a writer), and has served as the U.L.E Program Director for the Special Olympics.

    Rachel has proven her leadership in so many aspects of her college career. We are very grateful to have worked with her for so long. We wanted to take an opportunity to brag about one of our leaders. As well as thanking her for all of her hard work and dedication to the mission of the Union in creating an inclusive campus. With that being said, thank you so much, Rachel! We wish you the best in your future endeavors.

    Writen By: Marcos Garcia

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