A. Ray Olpin University Union

The University of Utah

A photo of the Union in fall.

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    Student Spotlight: Rachel Heard

    Each year the A. Ray Olpin University Union recognizes student leaders within the University of Utah community. These student leaders are recognized at the annual Union Scholarship Celebration as they are awarded a one-time scholarship to assist with their educational endeavors. Rachel Heard is one of these exceptional student leaders who was recognized at the 2016-2017 Union Scholarship Celebration. Heard is a Junior pursuing her Bachelors of Science in Health Promotion and Education: Consumer Science. Heard is involved with various leadership positions within Fraternity & Sorority Life, she is also one of the Services Desk Managers within the A. Ray Olpin University Union. We recently caught up with Heard to find out how she has been impacted by receiving this scholarship award.

    How has the A. Ray Olpin University Union Student Leader scholarship assisted you in your educational endeavors?

    Receiving the Union Student Leader Scholarship for this academic year has allowed me to divide my time between school, work, and extracurricular leadership roles. Without the financial aid that this scholarship has provided, I would not be financially stable enough to be involved in many different organizations around campus due to the increased number of hours that I would need to work in order to pay for tuition.

    What are you majoring in and why?

    I am majoring in Kinesiology with a minor in Nutrition. I hope to continue my education with a master’s in Dietetics. I feel that overall health starts with a healthy diet and I hope to be able to teach children at a young age that eating healthy can lead to a happy and healthy life.

    What does the A. Ray Olpin University Union mean to you and have you found a community within the Union?

    The Union to me is a second home. I spend the majority of my days on campus in the Union. The students, staff, and faculty that occupy the Union never cease to amaze me with their innovative ideas. In addition, the union has been the most welcoming place on campus, in my eyes, since the first day I set foot on campus. I am fortunate enough to be involved with several different communities that make up the Union community as a whole. With being involved in each community, I find that I learn a new life skill that can directly be used in my future endeavors.

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