Apply to the Union Programming Council UPC Executive Director Application UPC Executive Director Application 0% Complete1 of 3 UPC Executive Director Application Expectations: Union Board members are expected to be role models and leaders on the University of Utah Campus and in all aspects of their lives. Each member should conduct themselves in a professional manner and treat others with respect. All board members are expected to support Union Programming Council events by attending as many as possible. Duties & Responsibilities: Coordinate, preside, and chair all Union Programming Council Director meetings. Receive, review and respond to all inquiries regarding UPC problems, issues, or concerns. Meet individually with each UPC director at the beginning and end of each semester to evaluate performance and/or re-evaluate goals. Attend regular meetings with the Union Director and Assistant Director. Work to develop inter-organizational communications with campus clubs and organizations. Attend at least two meetings of each UPC committee per semester. Assist all directors as needed in order to accomplish desired and required tasks according to their job descriptions. Establish individual board director goals and keep them in focus throughout the year to meet and exceed individual job descriptions. Work with advisor to coordinate application and selection process for professional development opportunities. Evaluate policies that apply to UPC and revise them as needed. Keep the minutes for UPC meetings, or assign someone else to do so. Follow expenditures of monies in the Union Board budget to provide accurate accounting. Establish an internal committee to program and promote activity to create community within UPC two times a semester. The following is a list of programs required to program and execute with Advisor and Union Administration staff: UPC General at least 2 per semester (all of UPC), The Turkey Bowl, Director Transition Retreat (incoming directors & Executive Director), UPC training event (all of UPC before school starts), office decorating competition, UPC Valentine’s Party, and any other events assigned by the Union Programming Council Advisor. Union Board: Coordinate, preside, and chair all Union Board meetings. Receive, review and respond to all inquiries regarding Union Board problems, issues, or concerns. Become acquainted with all Board members and learn their University role outside of the Union Board. Attend (or assign a designee to attend) all Strategic Planning meetings of Union Staff. Evaluate policies that apply to the Union Board and revise them as needed. Represent the Union, as a student voice, on various committees associated with advancing the goals of the Union. . If you are human, leave this field blank. Next Δ UPC Director Application UPC Director Application 0% Complete1 of 3 Expectations:Union Programming Council members are expected to be role models and leaders on the University of Utah Campus. Each member should conduct themselves in a professional manner and treat others with respect. All board members are expected to support Union Programming Council events by attending as many as possible. If unable to attend, directors are expected to notify the Executive Director as soon as possible.Duties & Responsibilities:1. By Week:a. Conduct a board meeting with Associate Directorsb. Attend the UPC Director’s Meetings.c. Maintain a minimum of eight office hours per week2. By Month:a. Meet with the Adviser to review performance and budgetb. Attend the Union Board monthly meetingc. Attend UPC General Meetings3. By Semester:a. Meet with board members at the end of the semester to review performanceb. Meet with the Executive Director and Adviser at the end of the semester to discuss the performance and stipend amount of Associate Directorsc. Meet with the Executive Director to review individual performance at end of every semester4. General Dutiesa. Participate in hiring of board members.b. Maintain a transition document containing details about each event, including a participant evaluation. Transition book must also include contact information of committee members and other useful contacts, along with budgetc. Maintain a set budget the entire yeard. Attend and actively participate in the Union Staff fall training retreat.e. Attend applicable staff meetings as assigned by the Executive Directorf. Maintain and communicate updated calendar of events with Adviser and other UPC membersg. Attend a minimum of three UPC events outside of your board events. Arts & Special Events Board The Arts and Special Events Board is dedicated to building community in the Union through cultural and artistic themed events. Their main goal is to plan and coordinate fun, interactive events to include everyone on campus. Tasks and responsibilities include booking vendors, as well as planning and organizing a minimum of four events per semester. The Arts & Special Events Board Director will serve as the chair of the Union Art Committee. Previous Programs • Oktoberfest • Virtual Art Show • National Food Days • Earth Day Event Community Service Board The Community Service Board works to connect the Union to the community and campus through various service events planned throughout the year. Tasks and responsibilities include contacting various organizations throughout Salt Lake City to coordinate and plan service events, connecting UPC with other on-campus service opportunities, and brainstorming new ways to provide service to the student body. Previous Programs: • Family Fright Fest • Book Drive • Welcome Week • Bags to Beds Crimson Nights Board The Crimson Nights Board oversees at of UPC’s late night programming. They program two large-scale events and a minimum of four smaller events throughout the year providing entertainment, food, activities, and opportunities for social engagement. There are also many opportunities to collaborate with other campus organizations. Tasks and responsibilities include coordinating with vendors to provide activities for the event, overseeing volunteers, and creating themed decorations. Previous Programs • Crimson Coast • Crimson Nights: Haunted Homecoming • Crimson Cosmos Development Board The main role of the Development Board is to raise funds for the Union Student Leader Scholarship Fund and assist with event sponsorships. Tasks include hosting fundraisers, gather prize donations for UPC boards and contacting businesses for event sponsorships and tabling opportunities. Previous Programs • Castle of Chaos • Movie Pre-screenings • Food Fundraisers with restaurants such as Chick-Fil-A Feed U Pantry Board The Feed U Pantry acts as a free food resource for all University of Utah students, staff, and faculty. The main role is to recruit, train, and manage volunteers that staff the pantry and mobile pantry each semester. Other important responsibilities include organizing food drives and educating others on the resources the Feed U Pantry provides. Previous Programs • Food and Hygiene Drives • Hygiene Kit Making Events • Cooking Demonstrations Freshman Ambassador Board The Freshman Ambassador Board was created in order to give incoming freshmen the opportunity to get involved and help build community at the Union and on campus. Tasks and responsibilities include working with freshmen in a mentoring role, as well as helping plan and coordinate events planned by the freshman board. Previous Programs • Oscars Celebration • Ulympics • Puppies and Pancakes If you are human, leave this field blank. Next Δ