Home Events and Scheduling Agreement Form

Events and Scheduling Agreement Form

Reservation Terms and Conditions Confirmation

Reservation Terms & Conditions Confirmation

Please list the reservation number you received from the Union. This number is located in your agreement pending email. For multiple reservations, please list each number on a separate line.

Maximum file size: 65.54MB

To claim category C pricing, a copy of a currently valid IRS tax exemption certificate must be submitted with this agreement form. (This is not needed for University of Utah organizations).
Will your event involve minors and is an event that falls under the University's Safety of Minors Policy?
If your event is specifically designed for minors as the participants, is offered or sponsored by an academic or other administrative unit of the University or by a non-University entity operating on University Premises, and that has supervisory responsibility for the minor participants you will need to complete a checklist for safety of minors policy compliance.

Examples of events that fall under the policy include day or overnight athletic, academic or recreational camps, conferences, workshops, high school dances, or extension programs.

Private birthday parties do not fall under the policy and do not need to complete the checklist.

View Checklist

Please refer any questions concerning the checklist or if your program falls under the policy to the Youth Protection & Program Support, 801-581-4444.

Checklist Confirmation
Do you plan on having food at your event?

In the Union, all food and beverages must go through Crimson Catering by Chartwells, 801-581-7256, The University of Utah has granted Chartwells (Crimson Catering), as an independent contractor the rights to manage the University of Utah's catering service. Chartwells has exclusive catering rights in the A. Ray Olpin Student Union building and as such, any other food service providers must be granted an exemption* to cater in the A. Ray Olpin Student Union building. 

*The only catering that does not need an exemption is the following: 

Pizza is allowed in the following rooms after 6 pm, Monday - Friday, and all day on the weekends. All other Union spaces and times must be granted an exemption to use a different catering service.

  • Union Recreation (Bowling Alley)
  • 311
  • 312
  • 319
  • 323
  • Parlor B
  • Collegiate Room
  • The Den
  • Union Theatre
  • Union Treehouse Conference Room

The Catering Exemption Request Form can be found on the Union website.

Catering Exemption Form

Please read through the Union's Facility Use Procedure

View Procedure

Terms and Conditions Confirmation