A. Ray Olpin University Union

The University of Utah

A photo of the Union billiards tables.


With eight pool tables to play on at the Union billiards, you can play by yourself or bring plenty of friends over to join you! We have special prices for students and if you want to brush up your billiards skills we have classes available for students as well.

Billiard Prices

Exercise and Sport Science Fitness (ESSF) Billiard Classes

Billiard classes can be taken for credit or noncredit. The class number is ESSF 1150 (for-credit) or ESSF 150 (noncredit). Students can register for the class through the Campus Information System (CIS). Please click here for more information.

Pool Club

Joining Every Student Through (JEST) Billiards is an ASUU registered student group that meets weekly at Union Billiards.
For more information about JEST, please click here.